well being appliqué and embroidery, mixed materials (2006) 41 x 39
in the attic appliqué and embroidery, mixed materials (2006) 44 x 33
linen to be ironed appliqué and embroidery, mixed materials (2006) 35 x 40
christmas candies appliqué and embroidery, mixed materials (2006) 30 x 36
« Himalaya herbs » appliqué and embroidery, mixed materials (2006) 33 x 33
a nice cup of tea appliqué and embroidery, mixed materials (2006) 26 x 26
perfume of bonze appliqué and embroidery, mixed materials (2006) 43 x 30
for a rose jam appliqué and embroidery, mixed materials (2006) 28 x 26
chinese china appliqué and embroidery, mixed materials (2006) 39 x 30
fruit drop appliqué and embroidery, mixed materials (2006) 32 x 25
Southern silence 76 x 123
« Southern silence » detail